Bed Sheets.
And who doesn't love fresh, clean bedsheets? One of the great, simple pleasures of life, these household necessities aren't as innocent as you may think!
The dark secret lurks in what happens to your jewelry when you go to bed. While you are sweetly dreaming, your bedsheets act as a slow but steady sandpaper on your jewelry!
Prongs especially are at risk, since they stick up the highest and are relatively thin compared with other parts of the piece. As prongs wear thin, they become easier to bend or break, and when they do- you lose your stone!!
Prongs can, of course be retipped or crowns replaced as they wear out. Bringing your jewelry in to be cleaned and checked by a professional jeweler at least twice a year (just like getting your teeth cleaned!!) is essential to this, so that the jeweler can keep track of the wear patterns you have established. As prongs do wear thin, your jeweler can recommend preventative maintainance, or in the case of breakage, he/she can repair/replace as necessary to make sure your stones are tight and secure!
Jewelry is meant to be worn, so it is natural that it will eventually wear down and need repair. How quickly or how often it will need repair, however, is up to you! By taking it off before bed, you greatly increase the life of your ring, and protect your pendants! (Really, there aren't any chains out there designed to be worn to bed- you toss and they twist and the links stretch and the whole thing snaps! It is better to only wear your jewelry while you are concious!)
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