Dirt, Rocks, and Cement.
We're lumping these 3 together, but each of these abrasives can attack your jewelry in a wide variety of ways!
Gardening is a major no-no while wearing your jewelry. Rings especially can get incredibly scratched or even lost in the soil, not to mention dirty!! Take them off.
Consider removing your rings before going to the beach. Sand is, oddly enough, what sandpaper is made from. This will have a detrimental effect on any gold jewelry!
Though it might sound like common sense, don't wear gold jewelry while rock climbing. In fact, you might not want to wear any jewelry during this or any rock-related activity! Rocks are both hard and abrasive, meaning they can bend and scratch gold far too easily. We also don't recommend wearing jewelry for any activity that involves hanging- getting your jewelry caught on a rock could result in the breakage and/or loss of the jewelry, or worse- yourself!!
In any self-propelled wheeled sport or recreation (ie. cycling, long boarding, roller-skating, etc.) the goal, of course, is to remain upright. This isn't always what happens, however!! When the pavement is coming towards you a little too fast, the natural reation is to catch yourself with your hands. If those hands are wearing rings, those rings will get damaged! Once again, concrete is hard, abrasive, and your momentum is significant! Perhaps it would be best to leave the rings at home or on a sturdy neck chain?
As with the other entries about "Enemies of Gold," these types of damage are repairable, but are also preventable with a little care. We're here to help you if you need it, but we'd rather you lived a long and happy life having minimal problems with your jewelry!
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