Maybe there aren't a large number of welders out there reading this, but there are two ways to seriously hurt yourself while welding if you are still wearing your jewelry!
Since the principal danger when welding is getting a nasty electric shock from the live parts of the welding circuit (the electrode and the workpiece), it is never a good idea to have something metal touching your skin- especially if it is close to the area where you are working!!
The arc can transfer to the ring and a horrendous burn will ensue. (We looked up pictures, but they're pretty graphic, so will not be making an appearance in this post!)
The other danger is from slag. If a piece of molten weld or slag launches and gets caught up under a ring, the several thousand degree chunck will super heat your ring, and the ring will make it difficult to get it off- Get It OFF! GET IT OFFFF!!!!!!!!
So, Ladies (or Gents!), if your special someone is a welder- don't freak out if they take their wedding ring off for work! If they forget to put it back on later, or leave it in the toolbox, that's between the two of you!!
Welding isn't the only work-related danger to rings, either! Construction has a whole list of reasons to take your rings off first, mechanic work (at home or on the job) is best done ringless, as well as anything to do with concrete! We mentioned concrete/cement in #8, but only in its hardened form. While still wet, it can get wedged into and all over your ring and this is very hard to remove once it dries!! (Trust us, we DO know this from experience!)
The best thing you can do to preserve that sacred symbol of your love is to take it off whenever you do hard and/or dangerous work. We can fix rings, but we can't fix fingers!!
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