Now, there are many ways your hand can suddenly swell up. There are even a few ways it can do so gradually. No matter the cause, swelling endangers both the ring and the finger if the ring isn't removed before it's too late!!
The first thing that comes to mind when we think of reasons for a hand to swell up like someone blowing air into a rubber glove is injury. You smash your hand in a door, hit it with a hammer or have something heavy fall on it and suddenly, amidst howls of pain, your hand is rapidly increasing in size!
While removing your ring is not likely to be the first thing you think of, it should be!!
As your hand swells, the ring will restrict blood flow to the finger and could cause serious damage or loss of the finger depending on the extent of the swelling! If a trip to the hospital is necessary and the ring doesn't slide off easily, they will cut it off and they will not worry about the integrity of the setting or whether they cut through the engraving on the inside!
On a side note, if your ring is Tungsten, they will not cut it off- they will smash it off... with a hammer!
Another emergency reason to get your rings off quickly is an allergic reaction, although the swelling is temporary it is still crucial to remove your rings while you still can.
More mundane and less threatening reasons for swelling include heat, humidity, excercise, and even eating too much salt! While these won't usually result in any danger, they can cause discomfort and it is usually better to have your rings off until they fit better!
Long term swelling resulting from weight gain (yes, no one likes it, but it does happen!) or pregnancy is a common cause of rings being cut off. Since it happens gradually, many times you don't realize until too late that it isn't coming off!
Especially when you are pregnant, this can be a very traumatic experience and one that could easily be avoided. We always recommend removing your rings before bed (and for many other things, but that's a big one) and this one simple habit will allow you to notice if your ring is getting to where it doesn't come on or off so easily. If you reach this point, the best thing to do is to either have it resized or stop wearing it until it does fit!!
Resizing a ring is a lot faster, easier, cheaper and better looking than trying to repair it once it has been cut off!